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  I am going to eat Subway cookies tomorrow. I am going to talk about my favorite book with my friends. This is the tomorrow I want to have. Now, try to imagine your tomorrow. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be with? We tend to take tomorrow for granted and expect it to come without any anxiety. However, have you ever thought about the people who cannot hope for a positive tomorrow? I am here to tell you that there are many people in this world who are uncertain about being here tomorrow simply because they do not have enough organs to keep them alive. In US, each day approximately 7,000 people die while 123,000 people are waiting for organs to be donated. Presently an average of 22 people die each day because they do not receive a transplant. The reason why they cannot receive is because that there are not enough donated organs.


Organ donation means taking the healthy organs from one person for transplantation into another. This happens after someone is declared brain dead, and has previously given permission for donating their organs. There are many kinds of organ donations including the heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, and intestine donation. Experts say that the organs from one donor can save as many as 50 people. Organ and tissue donation is more important than many of us realize, for both society and the individuals it directly affects. Every 10 minutes another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list. As I mentioned before, currently there are 123,000 men, women, and children need lifesaving organ transplants.



Organ donation has been spread out widely around the world. The world’s first organ transplant was done in South Africa in 1957 which was the heart transplant. Following this, the United Network Organ Sharing was established. Furthermore, the “Organ Transplant Law” came into effect on October 16, 1997 in Japan. In 2014, more than 8,500 donors made approximately 24,000 organ transplants possible in US. In addition, there were nearly 6,000 transplants from living donors. In addition, over 650,000 transplants have occurred in US since 1988.


Organ donations are beneficial for the people who receive it. However, some people from the opposite perspective might say that they don’t want their family to die without having each part of their body including the organs they have. They might say that they want their family member to die with his or her body intact without missing any of the organs they had when they were alive. However, I think we should consider that our loved ones are dying anyways. Rather than just letting them go away from this world, why don’t we use his or her death to save other people’s lives. Donating does not take away the pain of their loss. However, it does help them to know that someone else is alive because of their loved one’s donation.


I understand how you feel when a close family member or a friend of you dies. I know the feeling you have while going through  a time like this will be one of the most horrible experiences in your life. The emotions you have must be painful when you realize that you will never see the person who you had loved so much again, and know you will never get to hold them or touch them anymore. No one would want to go through a time like this. Donating organs enables you to help someone else avoid dealing with this pain. It provides a life-giving, life-enhancing opportunity to those who are at the end of the line for hope. Lastly, before I end, I would like you to imagine for a moment that you are in the shoes of someone waiting for a donation. What would you feel? And what would you want others to do to help you? I believe we all need to consider making the right decision to bring happiness out of death.




Date Retrieved: May 6, 2016



Date Retrieved: May 6, 2016



Date Retrieved: May 11, 2016



Date Retrieved: May 12, 2016


Positive Emotions Change Your Life


                   There are many different types of energy which you experience and create that affect how you feel and what you accomplish throughout your day. The things you do, you think, and you say all produce energies that impact you and those around you. “Go for it!”, “Thank you!”, and “Good job!” Encouraging and complimenting people can be the examples of creating positive energy. It gives people many benefits such as giving motivation, confidence, and warmth. Once a person becomes positive, his or her energy spreads out and it often gets transferred from person to person.



There are many kinds of “positive energy” that can be given to people. They are the behaviors and the words that lead people toward having positive emotions. For me, the most important positive energies are joy, interest, and hope.



Joy is a common term of showing your happiness. As a positive emotion, it is probably the most common one to be associated with positive energy. It shows people that you are happy and having fun. It is a very good example of positive energy because no one would want to see someone having an angry or sorrowful face. The smile of happiness that is shown on a person’s face also makes other people become more positive.


Curiousity is what can help us to meet needs and achieve our goals. Being curious in what is going on around you and in the world gives space for you to have discoveries. Furthermore, when other people look at you being interested into something, it motivates them as well. 



Hope is the belief of a future where good things happen to you. When people hope of having a good future, they will be able to work hard in order to get the goal. This can let you experience joy and other positive emotions.



Gratitude, encouragements, and compliments also give a lot of positive energy. Unlike the three I mentioned before which are joy, interest, and hope, these three elements mainly gives positive energy out to the people around you. From showing gratitude, encouragements, and compliments, they will be able to have motivation doing things.



Gratitude is one of the strongest actions which correlates with positive energy. Expressing gratitude not only reinforces the internal positive attitude of realizing good actions, but it also helps you recognize the pleasure in helping others.  


Encouragements and Compliments: 

Encouragements and compliments give good and positive feelings to people around you. Your encouragements and compliments are valued in society and have the potential to motivate and encourage others.



On the other hand, there are also negative energies. Negative energies create blockages to your happy life. They create exhaustion, confusion, a slower pace of thinking and acting, depression, weaken you, and eventually create real physical illness. Examples of negative energies can be fear and anger.



Fear takes you to a dark world that makes you afraid of more things you face. Once you are afraid of something, it will be hard for you to become braver and handle other things.



Anger is one of the most powerful and vital emotions. It can be a necessary tool for surviving in communities. However, it can also become problematic. Anger can take many different forms, from temporary irritation to festering for many years. Most of these forms hurt people down to the deepest part of their hearts. Being angry not only hurts people, but also makes other people become angry. The anger can be transferred to even more people sometimes.



To emphasize the importance of positive energy, there are several good examples. The best example that popped into my head was the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) occurred on March 11, 2011 in Miyagi, Japan. This magnitude-9 earthquake brought huge disasters to the whole of Japan. More than 15,000 people died because of the 128 foot tsunami and the meltdown and release of radioactive materials. In this situation, people who survived felt empty and without hope. Many people felt di sappointed and blamed the world for taking their family and friends away from them. Some of them even wanted to give up surviving. At this time, people from all over the world gave encouragement and volunteered to help Japan. People who were having difficulties appreciated the encouragement and the volunteers very much. Their warmth provided positive energy which gave them the motivation to survive. People who were in a hopeless situation became more positive because their hearts were full of gratitude toward the people that helped them. 



Comparing the differences between positive energy and negative energy emphasizes the better points of positive energy. Also, the GEJE tells us that positive energy can even help people survive. Positive energy not only can cheer people up, but can also make other people become more  positive and give them happy energy and emotions. I believe your life will improve more and more if you work on creating more positive energy.





Changing Minds, Positive Emotions, author and date written are unknown, Date Retrieved: April 19, 2016



PMC US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, The Role of Positive Emotions in Positive Psychology, written by Barbara L. Fredrickson in March 2001, Date Retrieved: April 19, 2016



live science, Japan Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011: Facts and Information, written by Becky Oksin on April 7, 2015, Date Retrieved: April 19, 2016



The Home of Vibrational Health, Clearing Negative Energies with Choming Spray Concentrates and Special Energy Clearings written by Mary Kurus in 2015, Date Retrieved: April 21, 2016



Mental Healthy Foundation, Anger, author and date written are unknown, Date Retrieved: Apirl 23, 2016

The Extinction of Species


Our planet is now in the middle of its sixth huge extinction of plants and animals (birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals, and reptiles). We are now experiencing the worst spate of species becoming extinct since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. Unlike the mass extinctions which happened in ancient times, which occurred as a result of asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, and natural climate shifts, the extinction we are witnessing now is caused by us. Scientists have estimated that 99% of current extinctions happening now are caused by human activities. 


The human activities give huge effects to the Earth, animals, and plants. For instance, pollution, global warming, and overhunting/fishing which are caused by the increase of human populations can be some of the examples. Also, the natural ecosystems are getting disturbed by the poaching or/and the introduction of exotic spices to an environment. Even more species are threatened because every species’ extinction potentially leads to the extinction of others. Not only theses, but also there are effects that are caused by humans indirectly but mostly related. Some examples of the phenomenon shown can be the change in sea levels and the climate heating or cooling. 


There are many animals and plants that have already gone extinct by human activities like:


Dodo is an extinct flightless bird which has inhabited the island of Mauritius. It was approximately one metre tall and weighed 10-18 kilogram. It lived and nested on the ground and ate fruits that had fallen from trees. There were no mammal on the island and a high diversity of bird species lived in the dense forests. Lots of dodo birds died by getting hunted by the sailors who set foot on Mauritius in 1505. From this moment, dodo birds decreased from the once abundant bird into rare bird by the combination of human exploitation and introduced species. The last dodo bird was killed in 1681.


Tasmanian Tigers (thylacine):

Tasmanian tiger, also known as the thylacine, is a nocturnal animal which had an appearance of a medium-to-large-size dog which was native to Australia. It weighed approximately 30 kilogram and was 2 metre long from their nose to tail. Tasmanian tigers had extinct 2000 years ago, but survived on the island of Tasmanian until 1930s. It moved with a slow pace, generally stiff in its movements and hunted kangaroos and other marsupials, small rodents and birds during night time. It had gone extinct because of the hunting pressure from humans.



These are the animals that are being driven to extinction currently such as:


The number of lions had decreased from 450,000, 50 years ago, to about 20,000 left in Africa now. According to an African National Geographic Explorer, about five wild lions are killed every day throughout Africa. The lions are being driven to extinction because of the overhunting by humans.



Lemur is an animal primates with foxlike faces living in Madagascar. Since humans arrived in Madagascar about 2,000 years ago, about 15 to 20 species of lemurs have gone extinct. The reason it have gone extinct is due to habitat loss and hunting. Nowadays, humans are cutting down the lemurs’ habitat at much faster pace which caused 93 lemur species to be in endanger currently. As Malagasy human populations rise, they threaten the remaining species of lemurs and thousands of other endemic species with extinction at an accelerating rate.



To prevent more animals to be driven to extinction, I believe humans should consider about each reason that causes animals’ extinction. These are the methods I have for preventing the extinction of animals.

Do not use products made from endangered species.

People should never purchase products made from threatened or endangered species. Many people enjoy buying memorable souvenirs after trips. However, many of these souvenirs are made from animals in danger of extinction. I believe avoiding products made from things like ivory, tortoise shell, and coral could have a big step of saving the wild life.


Use less energy.

Reducing the overall energy you use can help the environment. This can protect the habitat and welfare of lots of endangered species. Sometimes, small changes can have a big impact on how much energy your house uses. You can save energy by replacing your lightbulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs, turning off the electronics when you don’t use, or save water as much as you can.  


Eat less meat.

The meat industry has a huge impact on the environment. It is harming the living of the endangered species. Rainforests and forests which are home to many endangered species are often cut down for factory farms. People can help by changing into a more plant-based diet. A vegetarian diet means you refrain from eating products made of animal flesh. By doing this, we can prevent more meat factories to be built from now on. 



I think the extinction of species caused by natural ecosystem is not very big problems. No one in this world is able to disobey the natural system in each of the environment. However, in my opinion, the extinction caused by human activities can be very serious problems. All the humans living on this planet, Earth, have responsibility to take care of the living species. We should all think of methods to save the species and save the Earth. The Earth will be destroyed by humans eventually if everyone thinks extinction has nothing to do with them. I hope people will start having deep consideration of the topic “extinction” and take care of the animals living nearby. I am looking forward to a world that has abundant animal species which co-exist with humans.





OneKind HumanKind. AnimalKind.OneKind., Extinct

Date Retrieved: April 24, 2016




Dare Retrieved: April 24, 2016




Date Retrieved: April 25,2016



Australian Museum, The Thylacine

Date Retrieved: April 25, 2016



livescience, 7 Iconic Animals Humans Are Driving to Extinction

Date Retrieved: April 25, 2016


              Good Ways to Build Up Healthy Relationships  

              “The greatest power you have on earth, whether you are an angel, a spirit, a man or woman or child is to help others.” This is one of the sentences in the book “Servant of the Bones” which was written by Anne Rice in 1996. Helping other people is one of the things we can do every day, every moment. This can be categorized as “kindness”. Kindness is a thing that provides warmth to everyone’s heart and gives heat. Kindness is a thing that fits everyone and produces many big smiles. Kindness is like the big shiny sun in the sky; it is warm and connects everyone  together into one. Helping people can be one of the ways to express kindness. There are also many other ways to express kindness to other people and build up good and healthy relationships.

              Be the type of person who you want to meet and befriend; also treat others the way you want to be treated. We should all give people warmth and treat them with care, appreciation, and consideration. People will all treat you in the same way that you treated them. When you begin to treat people with kindness and warmth, you will soon notice that they also treat you very kindly. On the other hand, when you begin to look down on someone or not get along with them in a friendly way, you will notice a change in their behavior towards you. They will treat you in a disrespecting and unfriendly way. They would act as annoying as you expected or even more. People all want love and respect from others but sometimes we don’t want to give love and respect. If everyone in this world is waiting for someone else to be kind before they become kind in return, the world would be messed up with no kindness at all. I believe no one is expecting this kind of world and everyone wants the world to be full of kindness. Thus, I think treating other people in the way you want to be treated builds up very good connected relationships between you and other people, and this is able to lead to a world of kindness.

              Respecting others is also important. Respecting is one of the two things that mainly build up good and healthy relationships. In order to build up good relationships with people, respecting their ideas, opinions, and differences is very necessary. Respecting means showing that you value, and you are trying to understand other people’s perspectives, time, space, opinions, and differences. For instance, considering other people’s feelings, making eye contact, and not saying mean words or words that make people feel bad could be some of the examples. Furthermore, making efforts to treat other people in a way that makes them feel good can also be one of the ways to respect someone. I believe that the people who can respect others will also gain respects and will have very good relationships with other people and they will be able to have wonderful lives.
       The last of the two things that mainly build up good and healthy relationships is trust. Trusting people means you believe in them and you are giving them responsibilities to do things. Trusting has many benefits on building social relationships. Try to imagine a world where you can freely and openly trust other people and can let them handle their own responsibilities. I believe this kind of situation will provide many meaningful and colourful connections between people. The social connections and relationships would be enhanced when you trust more. Trusting makes the whole world, the relationships people have in this world become tighter, better, and more and more meaningful. Moreover, trusting other people can also allow you to gain more freedom, time, and efficiency.

         In order to build good and healthy relationships, I believe that considering other people’s feelings and opinions are one of the most important things. Treating people the way you want to be treated, respecting other people, and trusting other people, these are all about the consideration of kindness towards other people in this world. Kindness is a thing that brings everyone together. It lets people have very good, healthy, and meaningful relationships with others. No matter who you are, or what you are, kindness is a thing that brings everyone together. To conclude my writing, I would like to use this quote which was written by Mark Twain. “Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” I hope that the whole world can be connected by the meaningful relationships without caring about skin colours, nationalities, and the problems they might have.



Goodreads, Quotes About Kindness, author and date written are unknown, Date Retrieved: April 7, 2016





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